Since 2006 the URBED Website has included a full archive of all of our work including downloadable versions of all of the reports that we are able to publish undera Creative Commons licence. The feedback that we get suggests that the site is widely used by students and researchers. The URBED Trust is seeking to expand this database by including selected historic projects from before 2006, by including a broader range of archival material (such as our archive of Hulme in Manchester), and providing selected reports that we feel best showcases good practice.

The URBED Archive

Access the URBED archive stretching back to 2006 on the URBED website, and also explore specific case studies from Hulme to SUN.

Good Practice Guides

Access a series of reports and documents produced over the years that showcase URBED’s best examples of good practice.

The URBED Timeline

Explore URBED’s 40 year history of practice, viewing the projects that have come and gone, the emplyees, and the growing geographical reach of the practice.

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The URBED Trust is a not for profit company with charitable aims set up to promote research into the future of urban areas, and to disseminate best practice. Registered England & Wales, company number 01826806.

Contact us

The Building Centre
26 Store Street